Put Down The Excel Marketing Calendar

  Unless your marketing team consists of one person, it’s time to put down the Excel marketing calendar. Excel Marketing Calendar Template If you are a retailer with a large marketing team, you are probably guilty of having several Excel marketing calendar templates floating around on your shared drives. Those of you with Excel ninjas on staff will likely have …

Guide To Analyzing The Overall Lift Of A Retail Promotion

One of the most popular posts on our blog is the ‘3 strategies for measuring sales lift’, and we’ve received numerous requests for a follow up on the topic. So, with this post we’d like to take this further and discuss how retailer marketers should actually analyze the overall performance of a promotion. (If you would like the sales lift …

Why Excel Is Limiting How Retail Marketers Manage Omni-Channel Messaging

So, how is the busy retail marketer going to manage customer messaging in a world where coordination of message among multiple channels is the key to success.  Well, first of all there must be an interactive marketing calendar template where each internal marketing team and agency partner can actively participate in building that message.  The days when emails and Microsoft Office …

3 Strategies For Measuring Sales Lift In A Retail Promotion

  The good news is that every retailer we work with agrees that lift is an important metric for determining retail promotional success. The bad news is that there’s more than one way for retailers to calculate lift. That being said, the concept of lift can mean a lift in sales, margin or unit volumes, but for simplicity’s sake, we’ll …